Bountiful Harvest

Bountiful Harvest


Capture the beauty of a fall harvest with this combination of yellow, orange, and burgundy flowers. This large arrangement features roses, sunflowers, kangaroo paw, button spray mums, hypericum berry, solidago, leucodendron, grevelia, and variegated pittosporum arranged in a modern wooden box. Bountiful Harvest would make quite a statement on an entryway or dining room table.


Bountiful Harvest


Capture the beauty of a fall harvest with this combination of yellow, orange, and burgundy flowers. This large arrangement features roses, sunflowers, kangaroo paw, button spray mums, hypericum berry, solidago, leucodendron, grevelia, and variegated pittosporum arranged in a modern wooden box. Bountiful Harvest would make quite a statement on an entryway or dining room table.
